I have simplfied the chart of the family buried in the White Cemetery, and it appears below on this page. All this information is "verifiable" in that there is a paper trail of some sort - it was not just pulled from ancestry.com. Hope to visit the WHITE TOWNSHIP MUSEUM next month and share this with them (Hi, Mr. Sweet!) there.
August 23 2017 - this chart represents all the information I can find on the White Cemetery. I someday intend to create a more comprehensive version, but since I expect that I am talking to myself basically (and maybe my distant cousin Michael) we'll see when THAT happens. For now, click on the link below and the PDF will be easier to read.
Aran Matthew’s invaluable help is noted by orange stripes.
Robert’s will of 1782 takes a red stripe. Ms. Hartung’s work is in a blue type. A long time ago I found the rau-and-more.com site, with Beulah Gangaware and Albert Hosbach's list, which I reproduce here, the site is now vaporized. I took the photos.The cemetery is on private property, so I do not include the location. I hope to return this summer to take better photos and maybe some rubbings to preserve the info. June Robinson Nall
Update: I am now wondering if the stone for JANE (wife of Archibald) is shown correctly here, or does the grave contain two different Janes - one married to Archibald and the other married to Albertson, and if so why is Jane Albertson here, was she ne Davison? Also soon to come (maybe tonight) will be the Brittains....
the WHITE cemetery

Birth: Jul. 29, 1800, USA
Death: Apr. 25, 1828
Warren County
New Jersey, USA
Davison, Eleanor S., daughter of James and Elisabeth; d. April 25, 1828, aged 27-8-27 (from a transcription by Albert Hosbach).
Letter from her father James mentions her death:
November 19, 1831:
Mr. Jeremiah Brittain: Dear Friend I would again drop you a line informing you that myself and family is in tolerable good health at present hoping this may find you and yours enjoying the same blessing. It is a long time since I have heard or seen any account from you either by line or otherwise which makes me conclude that perhaps you have not received any of my letters for a long time though I think you would have written something to some of us if you are living. I will therefore go back again a little more than a year to a time which occasioned much sorrow among us. It was the time of the last long illness of my dear companion of the morning of the 2 of Nov 1830 last she departed this life. After a lingering illness and much bodily pain and distress until she was reduced to a mere skeleton. But we hope and think we have reason to believe she was prepared for the great change. We miss her company very greatly but hope that our loss is her everlasting gain. I will also mention again of the death of our Eldest daughter Eleanor that too was a very sorrowful event in our family. Our son Robert is married and his wife had one child and they call it Elizabeth for both its grandmothers...James Davison"
White Cemetery
Warren County
New Jersey, USA
I have finally put together all I have found on the White Cemetery.
Aran Matthew’s invaluable help is noted by orange stripes.
Robert’s will of 1782 takes a red stripe. Ms. Hartung’s work is in a blue type. A long time ago I found the rau-and-more.com site, with Beulah Gangaware and Albert Hosbach's list, which I reproduce here, the site is now vaporized.
I took the photos.
The cemetery is on private property, so I do not include the location. I hope to return this summer to take better photos and maybe some rubbings to preserve the info.
June Robinson Nall
Aran thinks this is the first house - Robert and Jennet's
Aran thinks this house was built by one of the sons.