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Hello. You have landed here from my FaceBook page. 


You are currently in my personal family history website. I started researching years and years ago, before computers. Since the ability to share information has become astounding, I felt the need to create this.


When the computers caught up, I dove right into the sites that help you connect with your ancestors, and was dismayed by inaccurate information. One afternoon I went all the way back to 956AD, and thought about the feasibility of it all.


This lead me to what I have been calling "History with Documentation". As you can see on these pages, I have provided the proof visually so connections can be substantiated.


And because I am a designer by trade, it had to look nice. 


I'd be delighted if I could help you. Whatever you think you might like - a framed tree to give to your sister, a book for everyone in your family, a website to share and connect with the world - it's up to you.


A note: I started with my grandparents's names, and the names of a couple of aunts and uncles. And over the years amassed all this. It's staggering, if you think about it. If you have any questions, just let me know!


June of Shady





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